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Josh Pederson

Is FutureGrind the Tron Video Game We Never Got?

Extreme sports "stunt platformer" FutureGrind released today on Nintendo Switch, PC, and PS4. While the game is definitely a visual spectacle with obvious inspirations drawn from the Tron franchise, is it something that can sustain itself in today's marketplace? With a rich color pallet and a story mode that's promised to keep your interest from start to to finish, the good people over at Milkbag Games seem to think so.

"Considering how much of a role colour plays in FutureGrind’s frantic flipping gameplay, the team at Milkbag Games have made sure to offer a variety of options intended to help make the experience as accessible as possible. According to Milkbag co-founder Owen Goss, “FutureGrind has a color blind mode that lets you override the game’s default colors and pick the colors that work for you. We realized a one-size-fits-all approach wouldn’t work, so we’re putting the control in your hands so that as many people as possible can enjoy the game."

FutureGrind is available now on Nintendo Switch, PC, and PS4. For more information on the game, check out their official website at

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